"I ban thee"- ban someone from a house "Remove thyself"- to kick someone from a house "I wish to lock this down"- lock down items in houses "I wish to release this"- unlock down items "I wish to secure this"- secure a box in a house "I wish to unsecure this"- unsecure an item "I wish to place a trash barrel"- To place a trash barrel in your home, capapble of deleting junk. "I honor thee"- give karma to another player "I must consider my sins"- determine whether you will receive stat loss on ress you will receive a message about your murders.
If you have never been reported for murder, the healer will say: "Fear not, thou hast not slain the innocent." My favorite one is the one I always get, and so does everyone else, "Thy hast not slain the innocent in some time..." If you have no murder counts, but have been reported before for murder, the healer will say: "Fear not, thou hast turned from thy evil ways." If you have murder counts, but too few for stat loss the healer will say: "Although thou hast slain the innocent, thy deeds shall not bring retribution upon thy death." If you will get stat lose, the healer will answer: "Death shall bring the vengeance of the innocent upon thy soul."