About NoH
Screenshots of:
PK encounters
Screenshots of guild members
Other cool pics
North of Hell is a peaceful little guild, or a least for the time being. We are fairly small, only open to very good friends, or people who have gained our trust. We recently added two new members to the guild who we are eagerly awaiting screenshots of the characters, and profiles of what they do. We consist of two master mages, one master smith, one grandmaster bard, an adept tamer in the works, a bowcraftsman, and a fisherman. This is just for the Napa Valley Shard though. We also have just expanded to the Atlantic shard, but don't have a guild going yet. We just resently decided to allow a few people to join the guild, so if you would like to join, contact MINER THE GREAT or APOCALYPSE on the Napa Valley Shard. To get in the guild first you have to gain the guild's trust.
Send me an ICQ if you have any questions, or some topic I should add to the upcoming FAQ. Anything that is sent to me in ICQ that is confidental, will be kept our secret. I am on ICQ usually between 5-6PM eastern standard time if you want to talk to me live. My thanks to those who have helped me with this site, and who have shared there ideas with me. While your at it, please sign my guestbook! If I happen not to be on, simply leave a message, and I will get back to you. (I am on auto- accept status) Use the ICQ pager below to ICQ me.
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My thanks especially to Stuffjester for his help with this site.
Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated in any way with Origin, Ultima Online Stratics, or any Ultima Online related sites. I created this site not with the intent of putting down Origin, or promoting the game in any way. This site is just my way of having fun with UO when I'm not playing, and helping people with their UO problems. ICQ me at the number above if you have any questions or comments. This is my first web page, so it was only created in Publisher!